Welcome to Tahoe Deep!

My name is Chase Petley, and I am seeking your support in the endeavors of the project, "Tahoe Deep". I have been working on this project for almost a year now, and I am excited to see its progress, but have a lot yet to accomplish.

What is "Tahoe Deep"?

Tahoe Deep is the name of the project as a whole, in which I will be lowering a submersible exoskeleton to the bottom of Lake Tahoe, which is North America's second deepest lake. The submersible will need to withstand the crushing force of over 1,600 feet of water, and over 740 pounds per square inch.

Why Lake Tahoe?

First and foremost: nobody has ever been to the bottom of Lake Tahoe, let alone recorded the bottom of it. The estimated depth of Lake Tahoe is 1645 feet, and there are many rumors as to what may be at the bottom of it. Some common myths as to what may be at the bottom of the lake are that of a cryrptozoological creature rumored to have been seen, nicknamed the 'Tahoe Tessie', as well as famous mobster's mass burials in the lake itself of those killed.

Not only would Tahoe Deep be able to prove or disprove the myths surrounding Lake Tahoe, but it would also give a more accurate depth of the Lake's floor.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Old friends helping to get the word out!

Yosemite Bear Vasquez, one of the biggest names when it comes to Youtube has shared interest in "Tahoe Deep". You might remember Bear as "The Double Rainbow Guy". He has done everything from being a viral Youtube superstar, to starring in a Windows TV add. I met Bear a while ago, went to his Mountain Farm just outside Yosemite National Park to get to know him and help him out around his property with some trees (I used to be an arborist and that is me behind him in the photo). Tonight Bear and I talked about "Tahoe Deep", and he decided to post a link to this page on his Twitter! He seems to be as interested in the secrets of Tahoe as we are! So a big thanks to Bear for helping spread the word about "Tahoe Deep"
Bear's twitter is @Yosemitebear62, so follow him on Twitter and re-tweet the post to help us get Tahoe Deep seen by as many eyes as we can! We talked about the lakes Mono and Tenaya as well, two lakes located near the Yosemite National park. After we have shown the world the bottom of Tahoe, a trip up to visit Bear and explore the two very interesting lakes is in order! If you’re wondering, Tahoe Deep's job is not over at Lake Tahoe! Expect footage from unexplored Lakes near and far!

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